Monday, March 23, 2009

Me vs. Urban Dictionary

In case you're unaware, is a website in which anyone can post definitions for slang terms or basically anything your little heart desires. This morning, my friend told me to go check out the definition for "Kearny girl" so I did and this is what I found:


a Kearny girl is a girl from kearny, a town known for easy girls. Kearny girls dont do dates they just fuck the guy and leave no questions asked.

guy- "hey hoe wuts ur name?"
kearny girl- "does it really matter lets jst go fuck."

A little harsh if you ask me but I suppose it's all in good fun. After realizing that there was no definition for "Kearny boy," I decided to have some fun of my own and submitted my own definition which I think was pretty damn funny (and painfully true):

Kearny Boy

A Kearny boy is a guy who lives in Kearny, NJ; usually cocky and almost always weird; afraid of commitment but will f*ck anything with a skirt; lives at home with mom and dad.

Girl: Let's go back to ur place
boy: We can't, my mom might hear us!

Guess what--my definition was rejected! This is hypocrisy at its finest people!!!!

Well, Liz Borges does NOT go down without a fight! I sent those bastard editors an email explaining that I'm exercising my right to the First Amendment and either my definition is allowed up on the site or the other one comes down cause this double-standard is just unacceptable!

Urban Dictionary just opened up Pandora's box of psycho bitchosity (yes I just made that word up right now but I like it) and they are going down!

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn" -- Amen Mr. Shakespeare!

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