Thursday, April 30, 2009


Here's a list of things that had/have me scratching my head thinking, "Seriously?!"

1. Yankees choke in all 3 games against the Red Sox. Seriously?

2. Baseball players stealing home. Seriously? (very much related to #1 BTW)

Rangers and Devils both blow it in the first round of playoffs. Seriously?

4. Britney Spears may be pregnant again. Seriously?

5. Miss California Organization paid for Carrie Prejean's breast implants. Seriously?

6. Octo-Mom: The Musical. Seriously?

7. Swine flu. Seriously?

8. People complain about there not being any pretzels in the office but can't walk their asses across the street to get more. Seriously?

9. My work building may or may not be on fire right now. Seriously?

10. Speaking of work--we actually have to work on Cinco de Mayo. Seriously?

I think I'm done but if you have any to add, please feel free to do so in the comments section.

P.S. The persistent guy from last week's mid-week WTF's did NOT get the hint! Seriously?!!

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